Schirneck, MartinMartinSchirneck2024-10-142024-10-142022 profiling is the extraction of metadata from relational databases. An important class of metadata are multi-column dependencies. They come associated with two computational tasks. The detection problem is to decide whether a dependency of a given type and size holds in a database. The discovery problem instead asks to enumerate all valid dependencies of that type. We investigate the two problems for three types of dependencies: unique column combinations (UCCs), functional dependencies (FDs), and inclusion dependencies (INDs). We first treat the parameterized complexity of the detection variants. We prove that the detection of UCCs and FDs, respectively, is W[2]-complete when parameterized by the size of the dependency. The detection of INDs is shown to be one of the first natural W[3]-complete problems. We further settle the enumeration complexity of the three discovery problems by presenting parsimonious equivalences with well-known enumeration problems. Namely, the discovery of UCCs is equivalent to the famous transversal hypergraph problem of enumerating the hitting sets of a hypergraph. The discovery of FDs is equivalent to the simultaneous enumeration of the hitting sets of multiple input hypergraphs. Finally, the discovery of INDs is shown to be equivalent to enumerating the satisfying assignments of antimonotone, 3-normalized Boolean formulas. In the remainder of the thesis, we design and analyze discovery algorithms for unique column combinations. Since this is as hard as the general transversal hypergraph problem, it is an open question whether the UCCs of a database can be computed in output-polynomial time in the worst case. For the analysis, we therefore focus on instances that are structurally close to databases in practice, most notably, inputs that have small solutions. The equivalence between UCCs and hitting sets transfers the computational hardness, but also allows us to apply ideas from hypergraph theory to data profiling. We devise an discovery algorithm that runs in polynomial space on arbitrary inputs and achieves polynomial delay whenever the maximum size of any minimal UCC is bounded. Central to our approach is the extension problem for minimal hitting sets, that is, to decide for a set of vertices whether they are contained in any minimal solution. We prove that this is yet another problem that is complete for the complexity class W[3], when parameterized by the size of the set that is to be extended. We also give several conditional lower bounds under popular hardness conjectures such as the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). The lower bounds suggest that the running time of our algorithm for the extension problem is close to optimal. We further conduct an empirical analysis of our discovery algorithm on real-world databases to confirm that the hitting set perspective on data profiling has merits also in practice. We show that the resulting enumeration times undercut their theoretical worst-case bounds on practical data, and that the memory consumption of our method is much smaller than that of previous solutions. During the analysis we make two observations about the connection between databases and their corresponding hypergraphs. On the one hand, the hypergraph representations containing all relevant information are usually significantly smaller than the original inputs. On the other hand, obtaining those hypergraphs is the actual bottleneck of any practical application. The latter often takes much longer than enumerating the solutions, which is in stark contrast to the fact that the preprocessing is guaranteed to be polynomial while the enumeration may take exponential time. To make the first observation rigorous, we introduce a maximum-entropy model for non-uniform random hypergraphs and prove that their expected number of minimal hyperedges undergoes a phase transition with respect to the total number of edges. The result also explains why larger databases may have smaller hypergraphs. Motivated by the second observation, we present a new kind of UCC discovery algorithm called Hitting Set Enumeration with Partial Information and Validation (HPIValid). It utilizes the fast enumeration times in practice in order to speed up the computation of the corresponding hypergraph. This way, we sidestep the bottleneck while maintaining the advantages of the hitting set perspective. An exhaustive empirical evaluation shows that HPIValid outperforms the current state of the art in UCC discovery. It is capable of processing databases that were previously out of reach for data profiling.Enumeration Algorithms in Data Profilingmastersthesis